¡Feliz Día de Europa! Happy Europe Day !

Hoy 9 de mayo celebramos el día de Europa y, desde el equipo de Bilingüismo, hemos querido celebrarlo recitando un poema sobre Europa y coloreando la bandera europea. 

Os dejamos el poema y el vídeo con los alumn@s recitándolo 😋

Europe Day, Let's Play!  

In Europe's lands, so wide and fair, 

We celebrate with joy and flair. 

Flags of colors, red, blue, and white, 

On Europe Day, oh what a sight! (VENTAS) 


From Spain's sunny beaches to France's Eiffel Tower, 

Europe's beauty fills us with wonder every hour. 

Italy's pasta, Greece's tales so old, 

On Europe Day, let's be brave and bold! (CALZADA) 


Germany's forests, England's tea, 

Together we're happy, together we're free. 

Poland's pierogi, Netherlands' windmills tall, 

On Europe Day, let's stand proud and tall! (ALCAÑIZO) 


So let's dance and sing with all our might, 

On Europe Day, everything feels just right. 

Friends united, hearts full of glee, 

Happy Europe Day to you and me! (HERRERUELA) 



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¡Adiós amiguitos griegos! (eTwinning)